Goblin Combe is a really cool, and very shady woodland near Cleeve in Bristol. There is a small car park on Cleeve Hill Road (BS49 4PH). From here, you can get to the Combe by walking back towards the triangle and going right onto Plunder Street, and follow the footpath directions from there. We absolutely love this one, there are loads of paths to choose from. The route on the map is a 7 mile route that goes through a few private woodlands, one of which where dogs are asked to be kept on leads. There are supposed to be goats on Goblin Combe but we didn’t see any for our entire route. If you do do the one we have shown, please be aware that there is one section on a busy road in between footpaths, only for a few moments though as they are very close to each other. You can just pick your own route to your liking though, and do a shorter, or longer one for whatever takes you and your dogosaurs’ fancy!