Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
10:00 AM10:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

  • Bristol, England, BS10 7QT United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll be heading back to Blaise Estate in February. This is also the date of ‘National Dog Walking Day’ here in the UK, so what better way to celebrate!?

Meeting at the main car park, near the cafe, for 10am. Walk will be 1-2 hours long. Well behaved dogs welcome to be off lead.

As always we’re fundraising for Holly Hedge so please bring some coins for the donation tin

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Christmas Pack Walk Newbury
12:00 PM12:00

Christmas Pack Walk Newbury

We’ll be back in Newbury for our annual Christmas walk this year. We’ll also be celebrating 8 years of business so please do join us for a lovely festive walk if you can make it

We will be raising money for WECare Worldwide for this walk so please do bring some coins for the donation box.

Meeting at Snelsmore Common at 12pm.

Hope to see you there!

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Christmas Pack Walk Bristol
12:00 PM12:00

Christmas Pack Walk Bristol

  • Bristol, England, BS10 7QT United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Christmas walk in Bristol will be at Blaise Estate. Meeting at the main car park, near the cafe.

As always we are fundraising for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please bring some coins for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

We’ll be heading to Leigh Woods for our November walk. Meeting at the end of the main car park, near where the beverage truck sometimes is. Parking charges apply.

As always, we will be raising money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please do bring some coins along for their great work.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
10:00 AM10:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

We’ll be back at Ashton Court for our October walk. Meeting near the golf course car park, by the little cafe. Parking charges apply.

As always, we will be raising money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please do bring some coins along for their great work.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

Join us for our April walk, at Ashton Court Estate.

This time, we’ll be meeting at the GOLF COURSE CAR PARK for a different route. This is the car park right next to the golf course, at the top of Ashton Court. The approximate postcode is BS8 3PX, or if you simply type in 'Ashton Court Gold Course Car Park' it will take you straight there. Parking charges do apply here.

As always, we will be raising money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please do bring some coins along for their great work.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks

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Canine First Aid Course Bristol
1:00 PM13:00

Canine First Aid Course Bristol

In March, we will be hosting a canine first aid course in Bristol, with Dog First Aid. This will be the fourth time we have hosted this course, which is a certified 4 hour course. It is a fantastic course for both dog professionals, and dog owners alike. It could mean the difference between life and death in some extreme emergency cases. It also covers how to look after your dog’s general health, and warning signs you can look out for that may require a vet trip.

The course will be covering the following;

The role of a first aider and legal compliance

The foundations

How to conduct a full body exam

How to take your dog's vitals - pulse, breathing rate and temperature




Canine shock

Gastric dilatation volvulus

Burns & scalds

Toxic ingestion

Heat stroke


Road traffic collisions

The cost of the course is £61.50 per person. We will be meeting at Ashton Vale Community Centre at 1pm on Saturday 9th March 2024.

If you would like to book onto this course, please contact us. Please also feel free to send across any questions you might have about the course.

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Canine First Aid Course Newbury
10:00 AM10:00

Canine First Aid Course Newbury

  • Speen Village Hall RG14 1RJ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In February, we will be hosting a canine first aid course in Newbury, with Dog First Aid. This will be the third time we have hosted this course, which is a certified 4 hour course. It is a fantastic course for both dog professionals, and dog owners alike. It could mean the difference between life and death in some extreme emergency cases. It also covers how to look after your dog’s general health, and warning signs you can look out for that may require a vet trip.

The course will be covering the following;

  • The role of a first aider and legal compliance

  • The foundations

  • How to conduct a full body exam

  • How to take your dog's vitals - pulse, breathing rate and temperature

  • CPR

  • Seizures

  • Bleeding

  • Canine shock

  • Gastric dilatation volvulus

  • Burns & scalds

  • Toxic ingestion

  • Heat stroke

  • Choking

  • Road traffic collisions

The cost of the course is £59.50 per person. We will be meeting at Speen Village Hall at 10am on Saturday 3rd February 2024.

If you would like to book onto this course, please contact us. Please also feel free to send across any questions you might have about the course.

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Jurassic Bark Christmas Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Christmas Pack Walk Bristol

Join us for our Christmas pack walk in Bristol this year! We will be meeting at the Church Lodge car park of Ashton Court. This is the car park just before the Ashton Pub in Long Ashton. Post code is BS41 9LX or if you type 'Ashton Court Church Lodge Car Park' into Google maps it will come up.

We will be walking for around an hour. Feel free to adorn some Christmas hats and tinsel if you would like to!

As always, we are fundraising for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, so please do bring some coins for the donation box.

You can either contact us to let us know you will be joining, or register your interest on Facebook.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks.

Hope to see you there!

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Jurassic Bark Christmas Pack Walk Newbury
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Christmas Pack Walk Newbury

We will be back in Newbury for a Christmas walk this December! Jurassic Bark is also celebrating 7 years in business, having started on 1st December 2016, so please join us for a celebratory festive walk of around an hour at Snelsmore Common - hope to see you there!

As always, we are fundraising for WECare Worldwide, so please do bring some coins for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks.

You can either contact us to let us know you will be joining, or register your interest on Facebook.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

Our November walk will be a walk of around an hour at Leigh Woods. Parking charges do apply here.

As always, we are fundraising for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, so please do bring some coins for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks.

You can either contact us to let us know you will be joining, or register your interest on Facebook.

Hope to see you there!

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

Our October walk will be a walk of around an hour round Stockwood Open Space. We will be meeting on Hungerford Gardens BS4 and head in past the kids play park.

As always, we will be fundraising for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuaryo please bring along some coins for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are welcome on our walks.

You can either contact us to let us know you will be joining, or register your interest on Facebook.

Hope to see you there!

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

Our September walk will be round Manor Woods Valley in Bishopsworth. We will park on Valley Road, BS13, and do a walk of around an hour round the fields and woodland here.

As always, we are fundraising for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, so please do bring some coins for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks.

You can either contact us to let us know you will be joining, or register your interest on Facebook.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury

We'll be back in Newbury in September for a walk at Greenham Common! We'll be meeting at 12pm at the Clock Tower Cafe for a walk of around an hour.

Our Newbury walks are to raise money for WECare Worldwide, so please bring some coins for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are allowed off lead on our walks.

You can either contact us to let us know you will be joining, or register your interest on Facebook.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

For our August walk in Bristol, we will be walking at Ashton Court (weather permitting - this walk may be cancelled if it is too hot). We will be meeting at the Church Lodge Car Park, next to The Ashton Pub.

Our Bristol walks are to raise money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please do bring some cash along for the donation box.

Well behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

  • 38 Theynes Croft Bristol, England, BS41 9NA United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For our June walk in Bristol, we will be walking around along some of the footpaths in Long Ashton village. We will meet on Theynes Croft (near number 38), for a walk of around an hour.

Our Bristol walks are to raise money for Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please do bring some cash along for the donation box.

We’ll behaved dogs are welcome to be off lead on our walks.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury

For our May pack walk in Newbury, we will be taking a walk of around an hour at Greenham Common. We will be meeting at the Control Tower off of Burys Bank Road.

Our walks are in aid of WECare Worldwide, so don't forget to bring some coins for the donation box at the end.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Hope to see some of you there!

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury

We’ll be back in Newbury for a pack walk in aid of WECare Worldwide in April!

Please join us with your dogosaurs for a walk of around an hour at Snelsmore Common.

You can respond the event on Facebook and let us know you are coming and we will make sure we wait for you.

Don’t forget to bring a few coins for the donation box, hope to see you there!!

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

Join us on Easter Friday for a walk at Felton Common. The main car park by the church may be quite busy, so instead we will meet at the end of Felton Street, near Hillcrest Farm on google maps. You should be able to use the postcode BS40 9YN or if you type in ‘Felton Common’ on google maps it should take you to the right place.

You can respond to our event on Facebook, or let us know you are coming and we will make sure we wait for you!

Our walks are in aid of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please bring some coins along for their great work

Well behaved dogs are allowed off lead on our walks.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Newbury

We will walking at Greenham Common in January. We will meet by the Control Tower and Cafe for a walk of around an hour.

As this is such an open walk, if the weather is miserable nearer the time, we may decide to do a location change to a more wooded walk!

Our Newbury walks are in aid of WECare Worldwide, so please bring some coins along for the donation box.

Hope to see you there!

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Jurassic Bark Christmas Pack Walk Bristol
12:00 PM12:00

Jurassic Bark Christmas Pack Walk Bristol

Wrap yourself up in tinsel and join us for a festive walk of around an hour at Leigh Woods this December!

We will meet at the end of the car park near where the pop up coffee stall sometimes is. Look out for the sign written Jurassic Bark van, or call 07809908659 if you can’t find us. Parking charges do apply here.

Our walks are in aid of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please bring along some coins for the donation box!

Well behaved dogs are welcome off lead on our walks.

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Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol
11:00 AM11:00

Jurassic Bark Pack Walk Bristol

For our October walk, we will be taking a stroll around Backwell Woods. We will be parking towards the end of Long Lane, approximate postcode is BS48 3DE. There is space to park to the side of the lane at the bend - if you reach the farm and dead end you have gone slightly too far!

We will be there in the sign written Jurassic Bark van so look out for that, and give Sophie a call on 07809908659 if you get lost.

Our walks are in aid of Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary so please bring some coins along for their great work!

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