Walking Route, Cadbury Camp, Bristol

Cadbury Camp is a National Trust site in Tickenham, just outside Bristol. You can park for free at Tickenham Village Hall. If you just want to do Cadbury Camp, you turn left out of the car park and take the footpath on your first left. It’s a steep track that gets pretty muddy after wet weather, so take care - we slipped a few times coming down it! Our route, however, encompasses Clevedon Court woodlands as well. It is around 6 miles and took us 2.5 hours to walk.

There are no livestock on the route, apart from one field adjacent to one of the footpaths - but it is well fenced off. The woodlands at Clevedon Court have plenty of route options, and it’s worth a visit as it’s a lovely woods. When we walked, it was very quiet in parts and busy in others - this was on Sunday 27th of December though so bound to be busy around that time of year! I’d imagine on a normal weekday this would be a fairly quiet walk.

All in all it is a lovely walk, and I would definitely recommend it. Make sure you go on a nice clear day to get the most of the views from Cadbury Camp, and as mentioned above, take care on the footpath up to the Camp after periods of wet weather.
